Monday, April 23, 2012

Cherry-Apple Martinis, Pink Cocaine And The Insatiable Thirst For Self Sabotage Through Lusty Whore Mongering And Bestial Political Bafoonery

Coupled with a twang of Southern arrogance gliding out of a sharp, silver tongued -- Bastard -- a North Carolina University education, the degenerate tan and pruned pretty-boy-man-child, slithers by like a randy old musty sloth "ridin' hard and put away wet", out of you know who's lusty legs, all lathered up with a fresh scent of pharmaceutical grade, Peruvian Pink Cocaine ....."I love the smell of cocaine in the morning"! Behind his smarmy chuckle and power-entitled mind-set, there's a cruel and vicious carnivore just below the surface being masked by the charade of Mary Kay cosmetics and a well-practiced swagger fashioned, in of course, Italian suits and finely crafted leather shoes. Here lies one super-deceptive and thieving shit-bag you'll ever want to be associated with. You'll always walk away light in your wallet, confused, bewitched and definitely "Had" in a somber state of loss and regret...which could turn violent, adding just one more "neat" Jack Daniels. That's right, Bubba......John Edwards is no doubt a degenerate swine straight out of George towns casting of hyper-delusional characters with no shame seen, so far. A real, no bullshit, dancing fucking bear we've got here. This next segment is part 2 of the rare interview with once presidential hopeful, John Edwards - slick sloth Jonny Boy Blue.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Michele Bachmann Racist Dingbat Extraordinaire

It's a pretty sure bet that most men would rather see Michele Bachmann in a Playboy centerfold layout than the blithering idiot she has become in the GOP race for the presidency. Yes, we know she's out of the race to become President and like in the case with Sarah Palin, she would also function better for us men within the parameters of a Penthouse or Playboy photo shoot. Most, if not all the bullshit that spews out of her vile mouth, is hair-raising and downright on the fringe of insanity. So she didn't get to where she's at now in politics because she went to Harvard or Yale. She's a pretty women with absolutely nothing to offer on an intellectual level. Lets just examine a few quotes from the Queen of idiocy -
"I find it interesting that it was back in the 1970s that the swine flu broke out under another, then under another Democrat president, Jimmy Carter. I'm not blaming this on President Obama, I just think it's an interesting coincidence." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, on the 1976 Swine Flu outbreak that happened when Gerald Ford, a Republican, was president, April 28, 2009 I think she may have failed History 101 and Government 101 in her college days (or nights). *sigh* Moving on...
"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009 I guess Science wasn't her forte, either. It gets even better Americans...
"If we took away the minimum wage -- if conceivably it was gone -- we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level." -Michele Bachmann, Jan. 2005 Looks like Economics wasn't her strong suit, either. Does she even have a college degree?
"Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today." -Rep. Michele Bachmann, while campaigning for president in South Carolina on what was actually the anniversary of Elvis's death, Aug. 16, 2011 (Elvis was born on January 8) NOOOOO! Not the King! Don't drag the King of Rock-n-Roll into your silly little incompetent mind.
"It is horrific to know that in the African American community, 50 percent of all African American pregnancies in the United States end in abortion, 50 percent. That is a genocide of African Americans of the United States. It should not be. There are Americans all across this country who would love to adopt African American babies, but they can't because 50 percent of all African American pregnancies today are ending in abortion." What the fuck does that even translate into?
“This is just about waving a tar baby in the air and saying that something else is the problem. I have never seen a more irresponsible president who is infantile in the way that he continually blames everybody else for his failure to, first, diagnose the problem and, second, to address the problem. It’s always everyone else’s fault.” “The president is a complete and utter fraud and a hypocrite on this issue, with all due respect to the president.” OHHHH, now we see. "tar baby"? A poor choice of words or the rambling truths of an insane racist women? But hold on, folks. It gets even better.
"I look at the Scripture and I read it and I take it for what it is. I give more credence in the Scripture as being kind of a timeless word of God to mankind, and I take it for what it is. And I don't think I give as much credence to my own mind, because I see myself as being very limited and very flawed, and lacking in knowledge, and wisdom and understanding. So, I just take the Bible for what it is, I guess, and recognize that I am not a scientist, not trained to be a scientist. I'm not a deep thinker on all of this. I wish I was. I wish I was more knowledgeable, but I'm not a scientist." - Michele Bachmann interviewing with Todd Fiel at KKMS as quoted in the Stillwater Gazette, September 29, 2003. Now you tell me fellow Americans, Presidential material or Playboy material? Well that's a no - brainer! When everything is said and done, I'm sure Hugh Hefner would love to make that phone call.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Afghanistan Heroin Trade Dictates War For Huge Profits

Afghanistan's President, Hamid Karzai and drug-smuggling/arms dealer brother, Ahmed Wali Karzai have been orchestrating one of the largest heroin-smuggling operations, similar to that of the Vietnam heroin-smuggling ring, back in the late 1960's and into the early 1970's. Now heroin-smuggling is no big surprise coming out of Afghanistan considering it's the largest cash crop in the nation. But also the perfect staging ground for manufacturing and transport using Allies aircraft for disbursement to England and Canada. Investigations are ongoing into whether or not there is any US involvement in the transport operations.

Now this kind of news intelligence is never encouraging in this process of "nation-building", but if we're going to supposedly leave Afghanistan, we cannot continue to leave these two blood-sucking brothers in power. Their corruption would be at the very least, NOT in the best interest to Afghans or the United States, purely based upon the high costs and very low progress rating. The possibility of the Talibans return would become very real and highly probable, keeping this endless money train intact if Afghans are not given the individual power to fight back the Taliban. Afghan military is still scattered and weak at best. Karzai wants the Taliban to infiltrate enemy lines and raise keeps the US in Afghanistan and Karzai in power.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Newt Factor

As the GOP scrambles to make sense of it all, Newt Gingrich plows through the campaign trail still hurling his vile onslaught of character attacks, insults, insinuations and accusatory outbursts. Like an aging prize fighting Pit-Bull, foaming at the mouth and dragging his full set of blue balls across the country, the very thought of this ugly Nazi beast getting the nod for Republican Presidential nomination is not only dangerously possible, but an exact sign of the Apocalypse. If he doesn't get the nomination, all of this Newt-Barking and school-yard bullying has been an angle to get into the White House as possible VP or even scarier, Secretary of State. What will the GOP do with the Newt factor? Lets face it, in most circles, Newt would be considered for a long prison term, gang beating or better yet, a Donald Rumsfield special - a good old water boarding session.
Now from the pulpit, lets take a minutes and examine a few quotes by this venomous king snake in an effort to get a feel for his moral foundation and direction he would like to take our beloved United States of America.
"If combat means living in a ditch, females have biological problems staying in a ditch for thirty days because they get infections and they don’t have upper body strength. I mean, some do, but they’re relatively rare. On the other hand, men are basically little piglets, you drop them in the ditch, they roll around in it, doesn’t matter, you know. These things are very real. On the other hand, if combat means being on an Aegis-class cruiser managing the computer controls for twelve ships and their rockets, a female may be again dramatically better than a male who gets very, very frustrated sitting in a chair all the time because males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes.” —Newt Gingrich in 1995
"She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of a President. And besides, she has cancer.'" --Newt Gingrich, reportedly speaking to a friend in 1980 about why he was divorcing his first wife.
"There's no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate." -- Newt Gingrich, explaining in 2011 why he cheated on his first two wives. He carried on the first affair while his wife was suffering from cancer, and the second while he was orchestrating Bill Clinton's impeachment.
"It is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods, entrapping children in child laws which are truly stupid…These schools should get rid of unionized janitors, have one master janitor, pay local students to take care of the school." —Newt Gingrich on abolishing child labor laws "This is something that no liberal wants to deal with," Gingrich said. "Core policies of protecting unionization and bureaucratization against children in the poorest neighborhoods, crippling them by putting them in schools that fail has done more to create income inequality in the United States than any other single policy. It is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods, entrapping children in, first of all, child laws, which are truly stupid. "You say to somebody, you shouldn't go to work before you're what, 14, 16 years of age, fine. You're totally poor. You're in a school that is failing with a teacher that is failing. I've tried for years to have a very simple model," he said. "Most of these schools ought to get rid of the unionized janitors, have one master janitor and pay local students to take care of the school. The kids would actually do work, they would have cash, they would have pride in the schools, they'd begin the process of rising." He added, "You go out and talk to people, as I do, you go out and talk to people who are really successful in one generation. They all started their first job between nine and 14 years of age. They all were either selling newspapers, going door to door, they were doing something, they were washing cars." "They all learned how to make money at a very early age," he said. "What do we say to poor kids in poor neighborhoods? Don't do it. Remember all that stuff about don't get a hamburger flipping job? The worst possible advice you could give to poor children. Get any job that teaches you to show up on Monday. Get any job that teaches you to stay all day even if you are in a fight with your girlfriend. The whole process of making work worthwhile is central." Well Newt, I'm not too sure of how the rest of Americans feel, but for me, you're a scary, disgusting excuse for a man, and you should be imprisoned within a high security penitentiary and gang raped by fellow prison thugs on a daily basis. You made the above statements, not I, and I'm totally convinced you take too much Viagra as it's turned you into a blithering idiot!